About Us
Our organisation offers a variety of programmes for at risk young people. We help our young people learn, make the right choices, reintegrate back into education and training, rebuild relationships with their whanau and teach them how to imagine solid goals for themselves.
Most of the young people referred to our care are well-known to youth justice and care and protection programmes. They often emanate from negative family dynamics, drug and alcohol abuse, and petty crime.
Reconnect’s programmes offer these young people a chance to re-build a future many believe they are incapable of achieving. We are known for taking on the most challenging of clients, not giving in easily, and healing the wider family dynamic so our young people have the best chance at positive life outcomes.
Our highly-trained team of mentors, youth workers, caregivers, clinical case managers and programme managers offer a friendly face that adds value at every step of the programme. One-on-one, face-to-face mentoring helps these young people imagine a life away from crime, violence, drug abuse and self-harm. Each young person has the chance on each of our five programmes to consider another path they might take, in a safe and stable family environment.
To find out more about the various services we offer, please click here.